Mini projects are most important part for acquiring an engineering degree; universities
may suggest industrial oriented mini projects so that students can find application of their
theoretical concepts in industries. The aim of Industrial oriented mini projects is that students
could know the applications of their theoretical knowledge in various Industries and to get
practical knowledge and to get updated or to instill passion to develop different concepts in
which the industry finds more applications. The lack of imparting hands-on field experience in
engineering streams creates serious employability problems for the graduates and the industry.
They don't have any experience & exposure to the Industry world. These needs can be fulfilled
through Industry Oriented Mini Projects.
Siltek Software Solutions (I) Pvt. Ltd is specifically working on a planned strategy of
Industry Oriented Mini Projects for the students. This will help them to have an actual feel of
the Industry, make them effective engineers and help them in their placements. The students
will be exposed to industrial environment. Students will understand technical concepts,
organizational structure, functioning of various departments, realization of products / services,
corporate etiquettes, and organizational practices.