In today’s competitive market, Siltek deals with clients who want to do away with the operational inadequacies as well as build strategic solutions-Software Development & IT Services for long-term competitive gains.
Siltek has delivered an exceptional service to Clients, Partners and Consultants alike. Our determination and commitment to responsiveness ensures your success. Our team has deep industry knowledge, long-term trust based relationships with key business contacts, and a proven expertise for placing the right candidates in the right jobs.
We maintain personal relationships with many of our candidates, and we never submit anyone blindly.
If you feel that you could contribute to our company in any way, then we would love to hear from you. Email your resume to careers@siltek.net or send it by mail to:
Siltek Software Solutions (I) Pvt. Ltd.B-Block, 5th Floor
Kanthi Sikhara Complex,
Panjagutta, Hyderabad - 500 082
Andhra Pradesh, INDIA
Tel: 91-40-2340 8900